Friday, March 23, 2012

My healthy version of chocolate peanut butter cookies :)

1 cup of old fashion oats
1/2 of all natural peanut butter
6 tbsp of water
1 packet of stevia
1 tbsp of vanilla extract
1 square of all natural dark cocoa


1) in a microwave safe bowl put 1 cup of old fashion oats and the 6 tbsp of water mix and microwave for 30 seconds.
2) Pour 1/2 cup of all natural peanut butter and mix it all up.
3) Add 1 tbsp of vanilla extract and 1 packet of stevia and mix it all up.
4) Crush a square of all natural cocoa or use unsweetened cocoa powder and mix it all up
5) Put foil on a cookie sheet spray a little bit of pam and make little balls
6) bake for 10 minutes at 375 flip at 5 minutes

 I came up with this and i fell in love with them. They are a healthier version but make sure you dont over eat!! im having one as a treat ill  never eat more than 2..My measurements made 10 cookies

My own workout routines

I am not certified as a personal trainer, i am not a nutritionist. I am just a girl who loves being healthy and fit! I plan my workouts ahead of time! This is a 4 week plan i came up with and i got great results! These past 4 weeks i kept everything except arms at 4 sets 10 reps going as heavy as i could ( while keeping perfect form) i picked 4 to 6 different exercises for every muscle group! for triceps and biceps i kept it at 3 sets 10 reps choosing 3 different exercises completeing 9 sets in total. This routine helped me build muscle so push yourselves it should feel hard! Im about to start my last heavy week after that ill change it up, lighter weight more reps for about 4 weeks then ill change it up again! ill keep posting my routines for you guys :) Im really lean already so i keep cardio at only 3x a week and i look and feel better then when i was doing cardio everyday! you know your body best so if you feel like you need more cardio then go for it!

Monday - Shoulders, Triceps, Chest for 45mins-1 hour.


Dumbbell Press: 4x10

Behind the head press: 4x10

One arm Arnold press: 4x10

Bent over laterals: 4x10

Front raises with cable: 4x10

Lateral raises: 4x10

Upright rows: 4x10

Shrugs: 4x10


triceps push downs: 3 sets x 10

triceps overhead pulls: 3 sets x 10

triceps extension - single arm- 3 sets x 10


chest --

4 sets of 10 decline pushups

4 sets of 10 incline pushups


Tuesday - Quads lift 1 hour. 30 minutes of cardio.

Leg extension: 4x10

Squats: 4x10

Single leg squat on smith machine : 4x10

Leg press wide foot stance: 4x10

Hip adductor and abductor (on cables or machines )4x10

Jumping squats with barbell: 4x10


Standing calve raise on smith machine: 4x10

Sitting calve raises: 4x10

Single leg standing raise: 4x10

Ball crunches: 4x10 10lb

Leg lifts: 4x10 7.5 lb

Rope crunches: 4x10 60lb

Side crunches on cable: 4x10 60lb

Wood shop side abs:4x10 35lb

Plank: 4x 1 minute each side


Wednesdays - Back and Biceps 45-1 hour

Db row:4x10

Low row: 4x10

Latt pull down reverse grip: 4x10

High row :4x10

Good mornings: 4x10

Hyper extension: 4x10


Alternating curls: 4x10

Straight bar curls: 4x10

21’s cable: 4x10

Thursdays - Abs Calves + cardio 45 minutes

Bench leg pull ins 4x25

Leg raises 4x10

Ball pull ins 4x10

Ball side crunch 4x10

Knee kicks 4x25

Hyper extensions 4x10

Plank 4x1 minute each side

Leg press calve raises 4x10

Smith machine 1 leg raise 4x10

Seated leg raises 4x10





Fridays - Glutes, Hamstrings, forearms - 20 HIIT on elliptical + 30 on bike

Glute bridge 4x10

Cable kick backs 4x10

Walking lunges 4x10

Leg Press close feet 4x10

Sumo Squat 4x10

Hyper extensions 4x10



Saturdays - Plyos

Walk/jog 2 laps

Deep Walking lunges ¼ of a lap

Bunny side hops ¼ of a lap

Not deep walking lunges ¼ of a lap

Bunny hops going forward ¼ of a lap


5 rounds x 5

Jumping squats

Jumping lunges


High knees

Mountain climbers

Push ups

Shoulder push ups


5 minutes of stairs

Walk 2 laps

Jog 2 laps










Monday - Shoulders, Triceps, Chest for 45mins-1 hour.


Barbell Press: 4x10

Behind the head press: 4x10

Arnold press: 4x10

Upright rows: 4x10

Shrugs: 4x10

Rear delt: 4x10

Front raises with bar : 4x10 12.5lb

Lateral raises cable: 4x10

Upright rows: 4x10

Shrugs: 4x10


overhead triceps push - 3 sets x 10

dips - 3 sets x 10 bodyweight

triceps push downs with bar: 3 sets x 10


chest --

4 sets of 10 decline bench

4 sets of 10 incline

4 sets of 10 peck deck


Tuesday - Quads lift 1 hour. Elliptical x 30 minutes.

Front squat: 4x10

Single leg on leg press : 4x10

Leg press shoulder whith foot stance: 4x10

Hip adductor and


Single leg seated raise with db: 4x10

Standing calve raise on smith machine: 4x10

Seated calve raises: 4x10


Ball crunches: 4x10 10lb

Leg lifts: 4x10 7.5 lb

Rope crunches: 4x10 60lb

Side crunches on cable: 4x10 60lb

Wood shop side abs:4x10 35lb

Plank: 4x 1 minute each side

Wednesdays - Back and Biceps 45-1

T bar row:4x10

Any back row yur gym has: 4x10

Latt pull down : 4x10

One arm on T bar row :4x10

Good mornings: 4x10

Hyper extension: 4x10


hammer curls: 4x10

Straight bar curls on cable: 4x10

Preacher curls one arm Db: 4x10

Thursdays - Abs Calves + cardio 45 minutes

Leg drops 4x25

Leg raises on machine 4x10

Seated leg tuck 4x10

side crunch 4x10

Knee kicks 4x25

Hyper extensions 4x10

Plank 4x1 minute each side

Smith machine leg raise 4x10 3 different foot stance





Fridays - Glutes, Hamstrings, forearms - 30 minutes of cardio

Leg curls single leg 4x10

Deep squats 4x10

Cable kick backs 4x10

Walking lunges 4x10

Stiff leg dead lift 4x10

Hyper extensions 4x10








Saturday ply metrics

5x of each 10 rounds

Jump squats

Jump rope for 1 minute

Jumping lunges

Jump rope for 1 minute

Low jacks

Jump rope for 1 minute


Jump rope for 1 minute

Quick AB circuit

20 bicycle crunches

20 leg drops

20 toe touches

20 V ups

Planks for 2 minutes on each side

Jog for 20 minutes

Monday- shoulders chest and triceps

Clean press 4x10

Dumbbell press 4x10

Front raises with dumbbells 4x10

Side laterals with dumbbells 4x10

Bent over laterals 4x10

Incline press with dumbbells 4x10

Bench press 4x10

Dumbbell flies 4x10

Single arm rope extension 3x10

Skull crushers 3x10

Over head triceps push 3x10


Tuesday- quads

Squats with barbell close feet stance 4x10

Leg press feet shoulder width 4x10

Leg extension one leg at a time 4x10

Wall sit with weight plate 4x 1 minute

Cardio for 45 minutes

Wednesday- back and biceps

Barbell row 4x10

Low row 4x10

Single arm cable row 4x10

Latt pull down 4x10

Alternating hammer curls 3x10

Barbell curls 3x10

Single arm curl 3x10

Thursday abs calves and cardio

Ball crunches 4x25

Rope crunches 4x25

Leg drops with medicine ball 4x25

Leg raises 4x25

Bodyweight calve raises 3 different foot positions 3 sets 10 reps

Cardio !! 20 minutes of intervals 30 second as fast as you can and 1 minute rest

25 minutes on treadmill on a incline 8.0 speed 3.0

Friday glutes

Sumo squats standing on 2 plates 4x10

Single leg lunge on smith machine 4x10

Leg curls 4x10

Stiff leg deadlift 4x10

Hyper extensions with weight






Saturday outside workouts

50 walking lunges

50 squats

Jog for 10 minutes

Repeat 5 times

Run up and down stairs for 15 minutes

Jog a mile


Monday sholders chest and triceps

Arnold press 4x10

Military press behind the head on smith machine 4x10

Front raises on cable with straight bar 4x10

Lateral raises with dumbbell 4x10

Rear delt on peck deck machine 4x10

Incline dumbell press 4x10

Push ups 4x10

Cable cross overs 4x10

Dips 3x10

Skull crushers 3x10

Rope triceps extension 3x10

Tuesday quads

Smith machine squat with feet together 4x10

Leg extensions 4x10

Step ups 4x10

Jump squat with dumbbells 4x10

Abductor/adductor either on cables or machine 4x10 of each

Wednesdays back biceps

One arm DB row 4x10

Latt pull down 4x10

T-bar row 4x10

High row 4x10

Pull ups 4x10

Hammer curls 3x10 / alternating dumbbell curl 3x10/ preacher chair cable curls 3x10

Thursday abs calves and cardio

Ball crunches 4x25

Ball side crunches 4x25

Wood chops 4x25

Crunches on a decline bench with weight 4x25

Jumping calve raises 4x10

Leg press calve press 4x10

Single leg standing calve raises on a plate 4x10

Cardio for 45 minutes

Friday glutes

Deep squats 4x10

Walking lunges 4x10

Step ups 4x10

Leg press 4x10

Still leg deadlift 4x10

100 rep booty workout with weight ( imm make a video )

Saturday do cardio of your choice for 45 minutes